(Billy Bob Thornton/JD Andrew/Mike Butler)
Come on kids gather round
We have a treat for you
If you've never seen it
Then you're long overdue
Observe the twisted metal
Blood stains and broken glass
We're glad your follks all brought you here
With pockets full of cash
For a dollar you can step inside the rope
You look at me like brave kids who can cope
For two bucks you can stand up on the stage
And look inside the wreck that's all the rage
We travel around the country
To entertain the masses
To show the bloody floorboard
And the scarf and the dark glasses
We've traveled oh so far
To let you people have a look
Inside Jayne Mansfield's car
Gaze upon the horror
Tell me what you see
I know it's just a mannequin
But a good facsimile
Imagine what the real girl left
When the head came tumblin' off
Come on people see the show
Don't let the kids get soft
For a dollar you can step inside the rope
You look at me like brave kids who can cope
For two bucks you can stand up on the stage
And look inside the wreck that's all the rage
We travel around the country
To entertain the masses
To show the bloody floorboard
And the scarf and the dark glasses
We've traveled oh so far
To let you people have a look
Inside Jayne Mansfield's car